Private Occupational Therapy
While many people are happy to access Occupational Therapy through their local health or local authority services, others wish to access it privately. This means you do not have to be placed on lengthy waiting lists for assessment and if you need an adaptation, another waiting list to have work carried out.
You can access a private occupational therapist yourself, if required please contact us and we will put you in touch with people that can help.
An Occupational Therapist can carry out an assessment with you and provide advice on equipment and adaptations to meet your needs. This saves you purchasing equipment that is then not suitable. A Private Occupational Therapist can also work for an insurance company if you occurred an injury that is covered by insurance, usually at work. The OT will work with the insurance company to provide you what you need to return to independence including returning to work.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.