Funding adaptations to your home

An adaptation is something is altered or that is fixed to your home. For example, a bathroom adaptation to remove the bath and install a level access shower (wet room) would be an adaptation. It cannot be removed once fitted. A ceiling track hoist or a stair lift is also an adaptation. However, these can be removed if required.

Minor Works:

Minor work is usually considered as anything that will cost under £1000. This could include things like grab rails, re-hanging doors, half steps. In general, the local authority or PCT will fund these adaptations for you if requested by the appropriate person.

Major works:

This is usually considered as any work costing over £1000. This would include adaptations such as level access showers and stair lifts.

Owner Occupiers or private tenants:

If you own your own home or you are a private tenant, you will need to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) if you need funding assistance. If you are the tenant, the landlord will need to give permission for this work to be carried out. Once you have been assessed as requiring an adaptation by an Occupational Therapist (either from your local authority or privately), you can choose to apply for a DFG to assist with funding your adaptation. This involves being means tested if you are an adult. If the disabled person is a child, up to 18 years of age, the parents are no longer means tested. Your income, savings and outgoings will be looked at and it will be determined whether you need to make a contribution toward the grant. There is generally quite a long wait through the local authority for this process to take place and the adaptation to be completed, so some people just choose to arrange the work themselves if they feel they will not get any assistance from a DFG. You can be means tested and then choose not to go through this route, so this is advisable, as it is worth checking if you have any entitlement. Follow this link for further information.

Housing Association Tenants:

 If you live in a property owned by a housing association the process is different to above. You will still need to be assessed by an Occupational Therapist. They will then request the Housing Association to carry the work out. If the Housing Association does not have the funds to complete the work, they should assist you to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant. This will then follow the same process as above.

Council Tenants:

 If you live in a property owned by your local authority, you will be assessed by an OT employed through that local authority. Once they have made a recommendation, they will request the council fit the adaptation required. Some local authorities means test and some do not. Some local authorities have a significant wait, whereas others could have the work completed in 8-12 weeks from your assessment by the OT. This just depends entirely on what part of the country you are in, and what the waiting lists are like for the OT’s and surveyors.