Moving and Handling
This can be a very complex area of Occupational Therapy. Specific equipment and techniques should be used for people who require assistance with any movement. This can range from needed a small amount of assistance to get up from a chair or toilet, to someone who cannot move at all, needing full assistance to be moved. Carers that work for an agency should be trained in moving and handling by an expert. They should have a refresher yearly. However, in my experience, I have found this is not always the case. As an OT, I would be called in if there was a difficulty moving a client, and find the carers were using the equipment incorrectly and not using the appropriate techniques. I would then advise them of the correct procedure and complete a moving and handling risk assessment and care plan that would be left with the client, sent to the agency and kept on the record with social services. If a person employs their carers directly through direct payments or some other route, that person becomes the employer and is therefore responsible for ensuring the carers employed have up to date training. This training must be provided by someone who has the qualification to be a trainer. There is a lot of different equipment available to assist someone to move. It can look very complicated, but once you know what to do, it can make moving a person much easier and safer. You should never try to use this equipment without professional instructions. If you are having difficulty with this issue, please contact us for further advice.