How to become an Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapy has changed significantly over the years. OT's in the beginning were known as basket weavers because they used to purely provide activities for invalided people. Now OT is much more scientific. To become an OT these days, you must gain a degree in health science, specialising in Occupational Therapy. This is usually over 3 or 4 years and can be done part time if needed. In the UK the fees are often granted. You can also apply for funding through local authorities if you are already an employee. Some will fund the course and allow you to complete it part time while working for them part time. The degree varies slightly from college to college but is generally science based. You will learn how the body functions and how it can be dysfunctional. You will learn social sciences as well as practical skills. You will have several placements throughout your training, which means you will spend several weeks at a time with a qualified OT to learn more practical skills. The college will generally try to vary these placements so you get a taste of different fields. At the end of your training, you will be a qualified occupational therapist. This title is protected so you must then register with the health professional’s council to practice.